, Fertility acupuncture in Surrey, Pregnancy acupuncture in Surrey, Chinese herbs and fertility, Chinese herbs and skin  07986 748 541
 , Fertility acupuncture in Surrey, Pregnancy acupuncture in Surrey, Chinese herbs and fertility, Chinese herbs and skin Please click here



My new book, Pregnancy Loss: a guide to what complementary and alternative medicine can offer is now available.
Order a copy here

Amazon reviewer: "An excellent reference work for complementary therapists treating pregnant clients or those with fertility issues...... Throughout the book the author convinces us of her experience in this field with numerous references to situations she's worked with using herbal medicine and acupuncture...."





, Fertility acupuncture in Surrey, Pregnancy acupuncture in Surrey, Chinese herbs and fertility, Chinese herbs and skinPregnancy Acupuncture

I have completed specialist training in obstetric acupuncture beyond the initial training of an acupuncturist. I regularly attend seminars and courses as I believe this is an especially important area of care to remain fully informed and up-to-date in. I hold a postgraduate Certificate in Obstetric Acupuncture, issued in conjunction with the Royal College of Midwives.

The use of acupuncture during pregnancy is increasingly popular, precisely because it works! It is an ideal therapy at this extra special time and there is increasing research evidence highlighting the clinical benefits that it brings. It can treat conditions that are often seen as part of normal pregnancy and here are some of the common complaints women choose to see me for help with:

  • Morning sickness and pregnancy nausea
  • Backache, sciatica, carpal tunnel, cramps
  • Pelvic pain and symphysis pubis dysfunction
  • Indigestion, heartburn, abdominal pain, constipation
  • Haemorrhoids, varicose veins
  • Malpresentation including breech
  • Anxiety, insomnia, stress, tiredness
  • Post-natally: breast engorgement, mastitis, after pains, depression, tiredness

I believe that the treatments that I provide, not only help to improve a woman's quality of life, but can prevent conditions from becoming more serious.

Patient testimonials:
"I had acupuncture prior to conception and throughout my pregnancy. Janetta is very professional and confident, as well as friendly and thoughtful. The acupuncture helped me with early nausea, general wellbeing, and at the end of the pregnancy was used to help induce labour. Having the acupuncture made me feel I was being pro-active about my health during the pregnancy. I would recommend Janetta to anyone".H.C, obstetrician

"Thank you for all of your advice and treatment leading up to my pregnancy and during my first trimester, I felt so supported by the treatment". S.R teacher

"Thanks for all your support and care throughout my treatment and pregnancy it really meant a lot to me". R, teacher

Dietary & Lifestyle Advice for Pregnancy

Oriental medicine places a great importance on dietary habits and this is never more important than during pregnancy and following the birth. As part of my pregnancy acupuncture treatments, full written advice, specific to the mothers individual health is given.

, Fertility acupuncture in Surrey, Pregnancy acupuncture in Surrey, Chinese herbs and fertility, Chinese herbs and skin


Pregancy & Fertility Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine in Surrey



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