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 , Fertility acupuncture in Surrey, Pregnancy acupuncture in Surrey, Chinese herbal medicine Surrey, Chinese herbs and fertility Please click here



My new book, Pregnancy Loss: a guide to what complementary and alternative medicine can offer is now available.
Order a copy here

Amazon reviewer: "An excellent reference work for complementary therapists treating pregnant clients or those with fertility issues...... Throughout the book the author convinces us of her experience in this field with numerous references to situations she's worked with using herbal medicine and acupuncture...."





, Fertility acupuncture in Surrey, Pregnancy acupuncture in Surrey, Chinese herbal medicine Surrey, Chinese herbs and fertilityPregnancy Induced Nausea & Vomitting

Despite often being called "morning sickness" nausea can happen at any time in pregnancy and although it often stops around 12 weeks (as everyone tells you), for some women it can go on for longer and be very distressing.

Acupuncture is very well established as one of the best treatments for controlling this common but unpleasant condition of pregnancy. There is a good amount of research that is available to confirm both the efficacy of treatment and its safety.

If you are being affected by nausea or vomitting, please do get in touch for an appointment, as in most cases a great difference can be made after just a couple of sessions. In addiitonI will show you how to use acupressure effectively to help you to control the symptoms even if the treatment doesn't rid you of it completely.

Patient testimonial
"I suffered terrible morning sickness through my pregnancy. I tried all the remedies on the internet such as ginger, CD's and making sure I never had an empty stomach however none of it worked. At 5 months a friend called to say had I tried accupuncture. I then found Janetta which I was so thankful for. After my first session with Janetta I had a week free of morning sickness, it did return, however I then had a couple more sessions and began a pregnancy without morning sickness. Janetta also recommended other things I could try. My only regret was that I didn't find Janetta sooner!" Jo

Pregancy & Fertility Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine in Surrey



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