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My new book, Pregnancy Loss: a guide to what complementary and alternative medicine can offer is now available.
Order a copy here

Amazon reviewer: "An excellent reference work for complementary therapists treating pregnant clients or those with fertility issues...... Throughout the book the author convinces us of her experience in this field with numerous references to situations she's worked with using herbal medicine and acupuncture...."





Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

First described in 1935, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is still not fully understood by medical researchers and clinicians. It has the commonest association with infertility in women who do not ovulate. It is not only a gynaecological disorder, it affects almost every organ in the body and the diversity of its signs and symptoms can make it a very difficult condition for clinicians to make sense of.

Traditional Chinese medicine offers an excellent treatment option for women with PCOS, and in my experience a programme of treatment that utilises both herbs and acupuncture is the most effective, especially when combined with appropriate dietary and lifestyle advice, all of which I provide and support women in implementing.

It is a condition that I find fascinating, whilst at the same time clinically challenging. I work with many women who are at various stages of diagnosis and treatment for PCOS and see many of these women go on to conceive and have perfectly healthy babies.  It is important to stress that any treatment for PCOS (medical, herbal or acupuncture) is never going to be a quick-fix. Time is required for effects to be achieved, but they are achievable, and importantly, they are long lasting if correct approaches are given and advice is taken on board.

I stay up to date with modern research into treatments for PCOS and there is a convincing amount of evidence for using acupuncture to establish ovulation in those with PCOS. Clinical studies in China show that the use of herbs can help to restore ovulation and fertility in a majority of cases.  I use this research to enrich my knowledge drawn from traditional Chinese medicine teachings to address this complex condition. 

Patient testimonial

"I visited Janetta after receiving a shock diagnosis of PCOS following several months without a cycle. I was in quite a distressed emotional state but Janetta's advice and experience really helped me to feel more positive about the situation, particularly since she did not 'give up' even though my case was quite frustrating, with faltering steps but not always obvious progress.

It took a few months but my cycle eventually returned with 3 natural ovulations (which the consultant had told me would not happen!). On the third ovulation I became pregnant. I am absolutely convinced that acupuncture helped this to happen and would definitely recommend Janetta to anyone." S, teacher

Pregancy & Fertility Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine in Surrey



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